ACPC delivers P31 M SURE Assistance to Camarines Sur and Catanduanes

The Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) turned over P31M worth of credit funds to six cooperatives which will serve as lending conduits for the Survival and Recovery (SURE) Assistance Program to benefit farmers and fishers affected by Typhoon Niña in the provinces of Camarines Sur and Catanduanes. The check turn-over ceremonies was held on August continue reading : ACPC delivers P31 M SURE Assistance to Camarines Sur and Catanduanes

DA-ACPC Extends Financing Assistance to Small Farmers and Fisherfolk Affected by Marawi Conflict

The Department of Agriculture (DA) through the Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) extended emergency financing assistance to farmers and fisherfolk affected by the Marawi conflict. DA Undersecretary for Special Concerns Atty. Ranibai Dilangalen and ACPC Executive Director Jocelyn Alma R. Badiola handed over P10 Million worth of loans to the Mindanao Consolidated Cooperative Bank (MCCB) continue reading : DA-ACPC Extends Financing Assistance to Small Farmers and Fisherfolk Affected by Marawi Conflict

Sec. Piñol launches credit program for marginal farmers and fishers in Surigao del Norte

Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol and Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) Executive Director Jocelyn Alma R. Badiola launched the Production Loan Easy Access (PLEA) program in the town of Malimono, Surigao del Norte on June 23, 2017. The DA Secretary and ACPC Executive Director turned-over a check amounting to P15 million to continue reading : Sec. Piñol launches credit program for marginal farmers and fishers in Surigao del Norte

DA-ACPC turns over P90 M to Cooperative Banks for Climate Change Adaptation Financing Program

During the check turn-over ceremony, DA-ACPC Executive Director Jocelyn Alma R. Badiola, handed over checks for P10 million each to the managers/representatives of the nine cooperative banks with approved fund allocations. The event was witnessed by ACPC Deputy Executive Director Ramon C. Yedra and other ACPC officers together with Ms Perla G. Baltazar of the continue reading : DA-ACPC turns over P90 M to Cooperative Banks for Climate Change Adaptation Financing Program

ACPC Governing Council Appoints ACPC Executive Director Jocelyn Alma R. Badiola

Exec. Dir. Badiola was initially designated as the OIC-Executive Director of the ACPC in July 1, 2016, by DA Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol in view of the retirement of Ms Jovita M. Corpuz who turned 65 last June 27, 2016. Secretary Piñol, along with other ACPC Governing Council members, approved the appointment of Exec. Dir. continue reading : ACPC Governing Council Appoints ACPC Executive Director Jocelyn Alma R. Badiola

DA launches PUNLA credit assistance program for farmers and fisherfolk in poorest provinces

Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary and ACPC Chair Emmanuel F. Pinol, together with Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) Executive Director Jocelyn Alma R. Badiola launched the Program for Unified Lending to Agriculture Special Lending Facility for Marginal Farmers and Fisherfolk (PUNLA) in Catarman, Northern Samar and in Borongan, Eastern Samar on September 8 and 9, continue reading : DA launches PUNLA credit assistance program for farmers and fisherfolk in poorest provinces

DA Usec. Evelyn Laviña designated as alternate chair of the ACPC Governing Council

The designation is contained in DA Special Order 1107 “Assigning DA officials as alternate representative of the Secretary to various boards, councils, committees, and other organizations and groups” dated November 21, 2016. As the DA Secretary’s alternate in the Governing Council, Usec. Laviña is tasked with the responsibility of carrying out Secretary Piñol’s development agenda continue reading : DA Usec. Evelyn Laviña designated as alternate chair of the ACPC Governing Council

ACPC Provides Funding to Start Up DA Rice Processing Centers (RPCs)

Twenty-one (21) farmer cooperatives received start-up financial assistance from the Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) to operate Rice Processing Centers (RPCs) that were provided by the Department of Agriculture. The financial assistance provided in the form of soft loans are to be used by the farmers’ cooperatives as working capital for their rice trading activities continue reading : ACPC Provides Funding to Start Up DA Rice Processing Centers (RPCs)


As part of the Be RICEponsible advocacy campaign of the Department of Agriculture, all DA offices are hereby required to participate in the #BROWN4good Challenge. The #BROWN4good challenge is a social media propaganda that aims to encourage more Filipinos to eat brown (unpolished) rice regularly in order to get and give the following goodness: Goodness continue reading : #BROWN4good