The ACPC is the Institution on agri credit policy and program development that promotes a sustainable and effective delivery of financial services to the countryside.


To develop and advocate agri credit policies and orchestrate programs that would promote farmers’ and fisherfolk’s access to sustained financial services.


The ACPC has seven (7) core values that will guide its officers and employees in the execution of their tasks. Among these are:

  1. Clear Organizational Direction – carry out programs and activities that will contribute to the achievement of the organization’s defined vision, mission and goals
  2. Unity and Cohesion – support and implement mutually agreed upon activities, and individually and collectively uphold the integrity of the organization
  3. Challenges and Opportunities – welcome challenges and view these as opportunities for individual growth and for further developing the organization
  4. Consultation and Communication – employ open communication and feedback mechanisms to ensure that the activities and programs are relevant and responsive to the needs of the staff and clientele
  5. Support, Trust and Appreciation – give support to colleagues and strive towards a work environment characterized by mutual trust and where individuals’ contribution is given due recognition
  6. Commitment – pledge to give the best efforts to deliver quality and timely output
  7. Excellence/Skillfulness – develop, hone and use individual God-given talents and skills for the good of our fellowmen and our agency